Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Please post links to your PicCollage in the comments below. Be sure to tell us what you think of the tool. Feel free to comment on other people's comments!


  1. I have used pic collage weekly with my students in centers to make connections to News2You and other vocabulary relevant to my students. Here is an example of one of my students making a pic collage of something he really enjoys!

    1. Love the example you chose! Do you share these with parents?

    2. Yes! I would like to get parents to sign up and follow us on pic collage this year though!

  2. I have used PicCollage in the classroom as a way for students to display how to follow our listening and speaking expectations. Students were split into groups and each group was responsible for showing the speaking and listening expectations in each subject area. Here is an example of how a group of students chose to display using evidence from the text to reflect on their original ideas.

    This was done at the beginning of the year. I would like to do this again but after spending more time practicing the listening and speaking expectations and then see how their "new" knowledge could help further develop these projects. I also hope to use these in the beginning of the year for students to make a collage for an All About Me activity.

    1. Great example! There are so many neat ways to use this tool. Ms. Malhiot's students were studying the American Revolution. They found historical photos but using PicCollage embedded their heads in the photos!

  3. My students used this app a lot when learning new concepts in math. For example, they created a pic collage of patterns, symmetry, 3D shapes, and of fractions in the world around them. The students did a wonderful job and were able to use this app independently.

    1. I like this idea of creating a collage that helps them connect math to their everyday world! I wonder if they were to create one at the beginning of a unit and then another one at the end if they would be able to find more examples that perhaps they would not have thought of beforehand.
      Thanks for sharing!

    2. What a great way to connect the learning to themselves as well! When the PicCollages are posted in the room it allows students to become "geometry experts" using their creations!

  4. I used PicCollage in many ways. Starting the year students created a Coonley Code visual display. They used it to create visual class quizzes for the Wordly Wise words, here they showed great creativity and tech skills. Finally we used it for the American Revolution Hall display. Here's a link to Nicole's blog about this

    I can't wait to see what the kids will do with it this year.
