Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Please post links to your Plickers artifact in the comments below. Be sure to tell us what you think of the tool. Feel free to comment on other people's comments!


  1. Leigh Anne BertucciJuly 14, 2015 at 8:40 AM

    I really found Plickers to be a useful tool to use in my classroom. How fun that I get to scan each students' card and that the app will let me know that percentage of correct answers and incorrect answers. I can envision myself using this tool in math a lot. I really like how the cards are and I know that my students will, too.

    1. I'd love to come see Plickers in action if you use it!

    2. This would be a great tool to use as an exit slip for a math lesson. Simple and yet informative!

  2. I really like how Plickers can provide instant feedback for an exit slip or quick formative assessment

  3. The cards seem like they would be hard to use and organize but it is a great tool to use being that access to technology is sometimes not easy.

  4. I've set up a plickers account and created an opening questionnaire. I will try this the first day and see if it works.
